Library Statistics
Total Number of Books 3297
Data Entered in E- Granthalaya 3297
Hindi Books 1845
English Books 1452
Total No. of Daily News papers 04
1. Times of India
2. Dainik Bhaskar
3. Rajasthan Patrika
4. Pratahkal
Data Entered in E- Granthalaya 3297
Hindi Books 1845
English Books 1452
Total No. of Daily News papers 04
Hindi Books 1845
English Books 1452
Total No. of Daily News papers 04
1. Times of India
2. Dainik Bhaskar
3. Rajasthan Patrika
4. Pratahkal
2. Dainik Bhaskar
3. Rajasthan Patrika
4. Pratahkal
Total No. of Magazines/periodicals 15
Hindi - 09
English- 06
1.Magic Pot2.. Champak ( Hindi )3. Champak (English )
4. Balhans (Hindi)5. Grahasobha6. Pathey kan
1. Tell Me Why
2. Wisdom
3. Pratiyogita Darpan
4. Cronology
6. G.K. Refresher
7. Junior Science Refresher
8. Kids
9. Competition Refresher
10. Physics for you
11. Chemistry today
12. Biology today
13.Mathematics today
14. Nandan
15. Akkad Bakkad
16.IAPT Bulletin of the Indian Association of Physics Teachers
17. Akhand Jyoti
18. Bal Prahari
19.Bachcho ka desh
20. Yathawat
21. Vigyan Pragati
22. Bal Bharti
23. Yojana
24. Kurukshetra
25. Success mirror
Total No. of Staff members 31
21 (Permanent Teacher)
01 ( Contractual Teacher)
Total No. of students Reader of Library 627
Class Library has been worked for class I to VLibrary Automation YESCirculation being done by E Granthalaya YESLibrary Committee has been Formed YESLibrary Blog created YESLibrary OPAC YES
01 ( Contractual Teacher)
Total No. of students Reader of Library 627
Class Library has been worked for class I to V
Class Library has been worked for class I to V
Library Automation YES
Circulation being done by E Granthalaya YES
Library Committee has been Formed YES
Library Blog created YES
Library OPAC YES
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